RGB Web Tech

RGB Web Tech

Best Guest Posting Sites 2024

Last updated on April 15, 2024 by RGB Web Tech

Introduction of Guest Posting

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, is a content marketing strategy where a person writes and publishes an article on another website or blog. The primary purpose of guest posting is to get a backlink to the guest blogger's website or social media pages. Good quality and relevant backlinks are a key ranking factor for search engines.

Contents Overview

What are guest posting sites?

Guest Posting Sites

Guest posting sites are online platforms or blogs that allow external contributors to publish articles on their website. These sites vary in focus, ranging from general topics to niche industries, and typically have established audiences and content guidelines. By accepting guest posts, these sites enrich their content diversity and offer fresh perspectives to their readers. For writers and marketers, guest posting sites provide an opportunity to gain exposure, share expertise, and enhance their own website's SEO through backlinks. The collaboration benefits both parties—host sites receive quality content, while contributors expand their reach and influence in relevant communities.

Guest Posting Sites List

Here's a list of popular guest posting sites across various niches:

Sr.No Website DA DR UR
1 rgbwebtech.com 52 70 81
2 allsuccesspath.com 52 39 29
3 fitnessgoal4u.com 53 28 23
4 a1truejobs.com 53 40 33
5 webjeevan.com 59 12 36
6 webxsky.com 56 17 35
7 appskystar.com 57 21 35
8 digitalskystar.com 56 13 35
9 appjeevan.com 56 15 35
10 techskystar.com 56 19 35
11 webskystar.com 56 11 35

Why do we need guest posting sites and how does it matter in SEO?

Guest posting sites are crucial for several reasons, particularly in the context of search engine optimization (SEO) and broader digital marketing strategies:

  • Link Building: One of the most significant SEO benefits of guest posting is link building. When you publish a post on a reputable site, you can include backlinks to your own website. These backlinks are valued by search engines as they signify trust and authority, helping to improve your site’s search ranking.
  • Audience Expansion: Guest posting exposes your content to new, broader audiences. This can increase traffic to your own site and help you reach potential customers or followers who otherwise might not be aware of your brand.
  • Authority and Credibility: By sharing expertise or insightful content on established platforms, you can build your reputation as an authority in your field. This credibility can boost the trustworthiness of your brand, which is beneficial both for user perception and for SEO.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engaging with guest posting sites can lead to networking opportunities with other bloggers and industry leaders. Such relationships can be advantageous for future collaborations, sharing of resources, or mutual promotion.
  • Enhanced Content Marketing: Guest posting encourages you to produce high-quality, engaging content that can capture the interest of new audiences. This can be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, driving direct traffic and enhancing engagement across platforms.

How to find niche-relevant guest posting sites?

Finding niche-relevant guest posting sites involves a bit of research and strategy to ensure you're targeting platforms that align well with your area of expertise and audience interests. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively:

  • Google Searches: Use specific keywords related to your niche combined with terms like “guest post,” “write for us,” “submission guidelines,” or “contributor page.” For example, if you're in the fitness industry, you might search for “fitness + guest post” or “health and wellness + write for us.”
  • Competitor Analysis: Look at where your competitors are guest posting. This can give you insights into where they are getting backlinks and exposure. Tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz can help you see which sites link back to your competitors.
  • Social Media Searches: Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are great for discovering guest post opportunities. Use hashtags such as #guestpost or #writeforus along with your niche keywords to find relevant posts.
  • Blogger Outreach: Network with other bloggers in your niche. Often, bloggers are connected to or aware of guest posting opportunities. Engaging with them on social media, or via their blogs, can open doors to guest posting slots.
  • Guest Post Aggregators: There are websites that list blogs accepting guest posts across different niches. Sites like GuestPostTracker, MyBlogGuest, or Guestr can be useful resources.
  • Industry Forums and Online Communities: Join forums and communities relevant to your niche. Members often share opportunities or can provide recommendations for sites that accept guest posts.
  • Direct Inquiry: If you find a blog you like but can’t find their guest post guidelines, it doesn't hurt to reach out directly. Contact them with a well-crafted proposal or ask if they’re open to guest contributions.
  • Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters in your industry. Publishers sometimes call for contributors via their email lists, offering a less competitive entry point because it's not publicly listed.

How do you identify which guest post sites are best for your niche?

Identifying the best guest posting sites for your niche involves evaluating several factors to ensure you're choosing platforms that will effectively enhance your visibility and contribute positively to your SEO efforts. Here are key criteria to consider:

  • Relevance to Your Niche: The most crucial factor is the site’s relevance to your niche. The content should align closely with your industry or area of expertise. This ensures that the audience is likely to be interested in your offerings or insights.
  • Website Authority: Check the site’s domain authority (DA) or domain rating (DR). These metrics, provided by SEO tools like Moz or Ahrefs, gauge a website's reputation and SEO strength. Higher scores typically indicate a more influential site, which can pass more value through backlinks.
  • Audience Engagement: Look at the level of engagement the site receives in terms of comments, shares, and social media activity. A highly engaged audience is more likely to interact with your post and visit your website.
  • Content Quality: Assess the quality of existing content on the site. High-quality, well-researched, and well-written content suggests that the site is reputable and trusted by its readers.
  • Backlink Profile: Analyze the types of backlinks the site has. A site with high-quality, relevant backlinks is generally more authoritative and beneficial for SEO.
  • Posting Guidelines: Review the guest posting guidelines. Some sites have strict editorial standards, which can affect the type of content you can publish. Ensure these align with your ability to provide valuable content.
  • Traffic Volume: Sites with higher traffic are preferable as they can drive more visitors to your site. Tools like SimilarWeb or Google Analytics (if accessible) can provide insights into a site’s traffic levels.
  • Frequency of Posts: Check how often the site updates with new content. A site that posts regularly is likely more active and maintaining current readership, which is beneficial for your exposure.
  • SEO Opportunities: Some sites allow do-follow links, which are crucial for SEO benefits. Ensure the site’s policies can help meet your SEO goals.
  • Past Guest Posts: Examine the guest posts that have already been published. Look at their quality and how well they are received to gauge how your own content might perform.

How do you write a guest post Content that ranks well in Google SERP?

Writing a guest post that ranks well in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) involves a mix of good SEO practices, compelling content creation, and strategic planning. Here are essential steps to ensure your guest post has the best chance of ranking well:

  • Understand the Audience: Know the blog's audience and what kind of information they look for. Tailoring your content to their interests and needs will help keep your article engaging and relevant.
  • Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to find terms that are both relevant to your topic and have good search volume. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find keywords that can drive traffic but aren’t too competitive.
  • Focus on High-Quality Content: The content should provide value through in-depth explanations, useful tips, or unique insights. Google favors content that comprehensively covers the topic and meets user intent.
  • Optimize for SEO: Include your target keywords naturally in the title, headers, and throughout the content. Also, optimize your meta title and description to improve click-through rates from the search results.
  • Use Internal and External Links: Link to other relevant articles on the host’s blog to help with the site’s overall SEO structure. Also, include credible external links to back up any claims or data points, which enhances your post’s authority and trustworthiness.
  • Engaging and Readable Format: Structure your content with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easy to read. Adding images, infographics, or videos can also enhance user engagement.
  • Call to Action: Encourage reader interaction by ending with a call to action, such as inviting comments, questions, or sharing on social media. Engagement can be a positive signal to search engines.
  • Social Sharing: Leverage social media to promote your guest post. More visibility can lead to more traffic, backlinks, and overall higher engagement, which are positive signals to Google.
  • Follow SEO Best Practices: Ensure your content adheres to SEO best practices like using alt text for images, creating an SEO-friendly URL slug, and using responsive design so the content performs well across all devices.
  • Monitor Performance: After the post is published, use analytics tools to track how it performs. Look at metrics like page views, bounce rate, and the time spent on the page to see if there’s room for improvement.

How to get success in guest posting?

Achieving success in guest posting involves a combination of strategic planning, quality content creation, and relationship building. Here are some key strategies to ensure your guest posting efforts are successful:

  • Target the Right Blogs: Success starts with choosing the right platforms for your guest posts. Look for blogs that are relevant to your niche and have a strong readership and domain authority. This ensures your content reaches the right audience and provides SEO benefits.
  • Understand the Audience: Before you write, take the time to understand the blog’s audience. What are their interests, needs, and pain points? Tailoring your content to address these aspects can make your post more engaging and valuable to readers.
  • Create Compelling Proposals: When reaching out to blog owners, your pitch should be compelling and clearly outline the value your post will add to their blog. Include topic ideas, a brief outline, and explain why you are an authority on the topic.
  • Produce High-Quality Content: Your guest posts should be well-researched, informative, and provide a unique angle on familiar topics. Quality content is more likely to be accepted by blog owners and appreciated by readers, leading to more shares and better engagement.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags to optimize your post for search engines. This helps in gaining visibility and driving more traffic to the post and, by extension, to your site.
  • Include a Call to Action: Encourage readers to comment, share the post, or visit your website. A clear call to action can improve engagement and help build a connection with the audience.
  • Build and Maintain Relationships: Guest posting is not just about placing content on other sites but also about building relationships with other bloggers and editors. Maintain these relationships through regular communication, sharing their content, and offering further collaborations.
  • Measure Your Success: Track the performance of your guest posts through analytics. Look at traffic, engagement metrics, and the SEO impact on your site. This data will help you refine your strategy and improve future posts.
  • Follow Up: After your post is published, stay active in the comments section to engage with readers. This shows that you are committed to the community and helps build more personal connections.
  • Leverage Social Media: Promote your guest posts through your social media channels to maximize exposure. This not only drives traffic but also signals to the host blog that you are invested in the success of the post.

Advantages of guest posting sites

Guest posting offers a multitude of advantages that can significantly benefit both the guest blogger and the host site. Here are some key benefits:

  • Increased Exposure and Reach: Guest posting on another site exposes you and your brand to a broader audience. This increased visibility can attract new visitors to your website, potentially leading to more followers, customers, or clients.
  • Improved SEO: One of the primary benefits of guest posting is the enhancement of your SEO efforts. Links back to your site from reputable guest posting sites can significantly improve your site’s domain authority and search engine rankings.
  • Authority Building: By sharing your expertise on well-regarded platforms, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field. This reputation can lead to more professional opportunities and strengthen your credibility among peers and customers.
  • Networking Opportunities: Guest posting helps you build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your industry. These relationships can be invaluable for future collaborations, partnerships, or simply for gaining insights and advice.
  • Enhanced Brand Credibility: Contributing quality content to respected sites can enhance your brand’s credibility. When readers see your content associated with established names, they’re more likely to trust your brand and consider your products or services.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Publishing on various platforms allows you to showcase a diverse portfolio of work. This can be especially beneficial for writers, marketers, and content creators looking to attract clients or employment.
  • Feedback and Learning: Interaction in the comments section of your guest post can provide valuable feedback from a new audience. This can offer fresh perspectives and insights, which can be crucial for honing your skills and improving your content.
  • Market Expansion: Guest blogging on sites that target different but related markets or geographies can help you expand your reach into new markets, increasing your potential customer base.
  • Content Promotion: Guest posting can be a strategic part of promoting your content, especially if you can link back to related articles on your own blog, leading to increased traffic and engagement on your site.
  • Social Media Growth: Often, guest posts include the author’s social media links, leading to increased social media followers and higher engagement rates.

Disadvantages of guest posting sites

While guest posting offers numerous benefits, there are also some potential disadvantages and challenges to consider:

  • Time-Consuming Process: Crafting high-quality guest posts that meet the standards of reputable sites can be very time-consuming. Researching, writing, and revising, coupled with the process of reaching out and communicating with site owners, can require a significant time investment.
  • Quality Control Risks: When you contribute to another site, you might have limited control over the final presentation of your content. Changes could be made that affect the perceived quality or the message of your article, potentially impacting your reputation.
  • SEO Penalties: If not done correctly, guest posting can lead to SEO penalties. This is particularly true if you post on low-quality sites, engage in spammy link-building practices, or over-optimize links.
  • Inconsistent Audience Engagement: The audience of the host site might not necessarily resonate with your content or be interested in your offerings, leading to lower engagement levels than expected.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Sites: Your content's success is partly dependent on the third-party site's platform and performance. Issues like server downtime, poor site management, or a decline in site reputation can adversely affect your content's performance.
  • Cost: In some cases, particularly with highly reputable or commercial sites, there may be costs associated with guest posting, whether direct charges for post placement or indirect costs related to content creation and marketing efforts.
  • Brand Misalignment: There's a risk of associating your brand with websites that do not align with your values or quality standards if sufficient research is not done beforehand.
  • Limited Control Over Backlinks: Some sites might not agree to include backlinks to your site, or they may only allow no-follow links, which have less SEO value. This can diminish one of the main benefits of guest posting.
  • Intellectual Property Issues: Once your content is published, some sites might claim ownership, restricting your ability to use your content elsewhere or requiring that you alter it significantly to use it again.
  • Dilution of Message: Posting on too many sites or covering topics too broadly can dilute your brand's message and make it harder for your audience to understand what you stand for.

Types of guest posting sites

Guest posting sites vary widely based on niche, audience, and content goals. Understanding the different types can help you tailor your guest posting strategy effectively. Here are some common types of guest posting sites:

  • Niche-Specific Blogs: These blogs focus on specific industries or topics, such as technology, fashion, travel, or health. They attract an audience deeply interested in these particular subjects, offering targeted exposure for guest posters in related fields.
  • Multi-Topic Blogs: Unlike niche-specific sites, multi-topic blogs cover a broad range of subjects. These can include lifestyle blogs that touch on various aspects like health, personal finance, home improvement, and more. They offer a wider audience but may not provide as targeted an engagement.
  • Professional and Business Blogs: These are often associated with a business or professional service and are used to share industry insights, company news, or professional advice. Guest posts on these sites can help establish authority in a professional field.
  • Educational and Academic Sites: These focus on educational content, research, and resources for students and academics. Guest posts here are typically more scholarly or technical and require well-researched and credible information.
  • News Outlets and Online Magazines: Some news platforms and online magazines accept guest articles. These sites are high-profile and can significantly boost visibility and credibility but usually have stringent editorial standards.
  • Community and Forum Sites: Some community-driven sites like Reddit or niche forums allow guest postings in the form of shared articles or posts within the community. These require engaging with the community norms and often do not allow overt marketing.
  • Influencer Blogs: These are personal blogs run by influencers who have built a large following in a particular niche. Guest posting on these sites can help tap into the influencer’s audience and leverage their credibility.
  • Affiliate Blogs: Many blogs are designed to generate affiliate marketing revenue, focusing on product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations. Guest posts on these sites often include product mentions or affiliate links.
  • Corporate Blogs: These are run by companies and are used to communicate with customers and stakeholders about industry news, product updates, and corporate culture. Guest posts can help contributors gain a foothold in specific industries.
  • Portfolio and Personal Blogs: Often used by individuals to express personal thoughts, showcase work, or explore hobbies. These blogs can offer a more personal connection and unique perspectives.

FAQs about guest posting sites

Guest posting sites allow individuals and companies to contribute articles, blog posts, or other content to another website, often to reach a wider audience or build backlinks. Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about guest posting sites:

1. What are guest posting sites?

Answer : Guest posting sites are platforms where individuals or businesses can contribute articles or content to be published on external websites within their niche or industry.

2. Why should I consider guest posting?

Answer : Guest posting offers several benefits, including increased exposure to new audiences, building authority in your niche, improving SEO through backlinks, and networking opportunities.

3. How do I find guest posting sites relevant to my niche?

Answer : You can find guest posting sites by conducting keyword research, using search engine queries like "your niche + guest post," exploring social media groups and forums, and using guest post search tools.

4. What should I consider when choosing guest posting sites?

Answer : Factors to consider include relevance to your niche, audience match, domain authority, engagement and traffic, content quality, editorial guidelines, backlink profile, and networking opportunities.

5. How do I pitch a guest post to a website?

Answer : Craft personalized and concise pitches highlighting your expertise, proposed topic, and how it aligns with the website's audience. Follow the website's guest posting guidelines and demonstrate your understanding of their tone and style.

6. What type of content should I create for guest posting?

Answer : Create high-quality, informative, and valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience. Provide a unique angle or perspective on the topic, use relevant keywords, and optimize for SEO.

7. How can I maximize the success of my guest posts?

Answer : Maximize success by following guest posting guidelines, producing high-quality content, promoting your posts across various platforms, engaging with the audience, and tracking performance metrics.

8. Are there any risks associated with guest posting?

Answer : Risks include rejection of submissions, potential negative SEO impact from low-quality backlinks, and time-consuming nature of the process. However, with careful research and adherence to guidelines, these risks can be minimized.

9. How do I measure the effectiveness of my guest posting efforts?

Answer : Measure effectiveness by tracking metrics such as traffic, engagement, backlinks, and conversions generated from guest posts. Analyze what works and refine your approach for future submissions.

10. Can guest posting help with SEO?

Answer : Yes, guest posting can help improve SEO by building backlinks from reputable websites, increasing website traffic, and enhancing domain authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines like Google.


In conclusion, guest posting is a valuable strategy for individuals and businesses looking to expand their reach, enhance their reputation, and build meaningful connections within their industry. By carefully selecting appropriate guest posting sites that align with one's niche and adhering to best practices, contributors can effectively engage new audiences and drive traffic back to their own websites. However, it's important to approach guest posting with a focus on quality, relevance, and ethical practices to avoid the pitfalls of low-quality sites and potential SEO penalties. Ultimately, when done correctly, guest posting can be a powerful tool for growth and networking in the digital landscape.

You might also consider exploring our lists of Profile Creation Sites and Directory Submission Sites to build quality backlinks.

Additionally, we've put together a Technical SEO Checklist tailored for SEO professionals , which you might find useful.

If you find this article beneficial, please share it on your social media channels. Remember, sharing is caring!

Written by RGB WEB TECH

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